Okay, maybe we don’t want to ‘steal’ your purses per se. Technically, we want you to donate them to our Purse Auction Fundraiser It’s in the Bag (www.itsinthebag.ca).  So, if you are a celebrity, or someone who rubs shoulders with celebrities (whether in the media, blogging, movies, music, writing, or the circus), please consider giving us your purse or using your influence with your celebrity friends to get them to give us theirs.  In the following post, I plan to tell you precisely why you should give us your purses.

CAUTION: After you read this you will want to immediately send us your purses, so I would suggest removing your valuables from your bag before continuing to read this post.

  1. Giving to a great cause is good. Giving to four great causes is even better. This event is raising money for four women’s organizations in Vancouver who have come together to put on this event. They are: The Antigone Foundation, WISH Drop in Centre, Soroptimist International of Vancouver and AWARE.
  2. Vancouver is a great city! It is the place where a lot of people make movies, or music. If you love Vancouver as much as we do, help out the women in the city by donating a purse!
  3. Giving us your purse is better than Prozac. Seriously, according to the New York Sun and numerous other sources, giving to charitable organizations and non-profits makes you happy. We are here to help you achieve happiness.
  4. We would love you if you gave us your purse. You would be our favourite person in the world. We would rename our organizations in your honour. Actually, we wouldn’t actually do the last thing, but we would WANT to. Isn’t it the thought that matters?

So, what are you waiting for? Send us an e-mail at antigonefoundation@gmail.com to let us know that you will be giving us your purse.